Can you believe it's nearly October!? I know I say that every single time the month changes, but I'm still gobsmacked.
Today I have a lot of preparation to do! Craig and I are taking a long weekend to Portland, Oregon for a wedding, and I am super excited! I love the west coast and cannot wait to go back, and we leave tomorrow!'s now 3PM and I haven't gotten anything done :/ Oh Pinterest, I blame you.
In the interest of full disclosure, I have nothing on my nails right now. Zilch. The pictures below of Rescue Beauty Lounge's
IKB:2012 were taken a few days ago:
I swatched these
without a top coat because I wanted to show you the texture of the polish itself. It does not dry shiny but has an odd, suede finish. The formula is workable, but not what I've come to expect from RBL unfortunately. I think this has something to do with the fact that the polish is almost pure pigment.
This post is
really painful to write.
IKB:2012 is unfortunately no longer available from Rescue Beauty, and I feel horrible for posting about a polish you can no longer get (unless you were to succumb to Ebay scalpers).
I not only regret that, but also because this color brings up evocative memories of a certain special mad man and his little blue box. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Because yes,
IKB:2012 is TARDIS blue perfection.
HOWEVER I have an alternative!
Royal is not (in my books) remotely close to
IKB:2012, but I think for the price, the differences can be negated. ($6 vs $20? I think so)
Royal on index and ring,
IKB:2012 on middle and pinkie
At any rate,
Royal is much more jelly-like, darker and deeper, and more purple to my eye. I almost regretted buying
IKB:2012 when I purchased
Royal because the formula is miles better, and the color is so much richer. I think that for some,
Royal might be an acceptable alternative.
Dupe? I would say not a chance in hell, but an alternative certainly.
See you guys on Friday! I'll be trying to update while in Portland, but I can't make any promises. I'm notoriously bad at blogging while away from my desktop!